Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi Ji had launched the FIT INDIA MOVEMENT on 29 Aug 2019 with a view to make Physical Fitness a way of life. FIT INDIA MOVEMENT aims at behavioral changes – from a sedentary lifestyle to a physically active way of day-to-day living.
FIT India would be a success only when it becomes a people’s movement. To play the role as a catalyst in the above background & under the initiative of MHRD, IIIT Kota has established FIT India Club which encourages youth to motivate students & people to become part of FIT INDIA MOVEMENT by inculcating at least 45-60 minutes of physical activities in their day to day lives.
Club Coordinator
Club Coordinator
Monthly we Organise Events at Institute Level
Some of the photos of recent activities organised by the Club.